Sermons on Romans (Page 5)

Worship and the Generosity of the Believer

What thoughts and worries consume our moments and our days? Is God permeating those moments? If worship is a way of life, then every moment of that life should be designed to bring glory to God—even our finances. In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul focuses on our motivation for giving, which is the grace of God. He then reveals a number of evidences that appear when our giving is motivated by grace—when our giving becomes a spiritual act of worship.

Worship And the General Revelation Of God

General Revelation refers to the knowledge that we have as the result of God creating the cosmos and the moral conscience within each human being. In response to God’s general revelation, our first priority as believers when it comes to worship is to repent of our sins—asking God to ‘first clean the inside’ of my life. Our second priority is to discover who God is because it is easy to worship creation rather than the Creator. And finally, we need to realize today that it does not matter who we are or where we live on planet earth, we have no excuse to NOT worship God.

The Trouble with Relationships… It’s INSIDE us!

Relationships are hard! It doesn’t matter what relationship we’re talking about—relationships are hard. A few minutes ago, we watched as two sisters collided after years of hurt feelings and pent up bitterness. Hostility reigned in that relationship! Years of joyful memories and glad celebrations were lost because of one moment—one decision. What was that decision? It was when one sister assumed the worst from the other and retaliated with hurtful words. When we make assumptions about others, we typically assume the worst. Why? The answer is inside us!