Our mission is to…

Connect People to God
through evangelism, worship, and prayer;

Unite People to One Another
through spiritual formation and transparent relationships; and

Equip People to be On Mission
through service, evangelism, and making disciples.


          Core Values are the guard rails that keep a church focused on its mission. These eight core values are what we believe have shaped the culture of our church. Every decision we make as a church or pastoral team is filtered through our mission and these eight core values.

Our Core Values are…

Jesus First

Because Jesus, God’s only Son, is the head of the church, we imitate Him, follow His lead, and honor Him above all.

God’s Word

Because the Bible is living and active, holding the power to transform the hearts of people, we submit to its authority for faith and life.

Loving People

Because we are commanded to love our neighbor, we desire to serve and unconditionally love all people.

Multiplying Disciples

Because Jesus charged us with the Great Commission, we endeavor to evangelize people and aid in their spiritual transformation.

Praying Continually

Because God desires to hear from His children, we believe in the importance and effectiveness of prayer; seeking to align ourselves with His will.

Worshiping Constantly

Because God desires intimate relationship with His children, our response to His love should be daily worship both individually and collectively.

Growing Relationships

Because the Bible emphasizes interpersonal relationships, we strive for unity through authenticity with one another, even when it hurts.

Expanding the Mission

Because Everyone needs Jesus, we support those who evangelize, both locally and globally, through our finances and prayer.