Sermons on Proverbs (Page 2)

Five Keys to Ruling Your Spirit

When it comes to relationships, there are times in our lives when we can let our anger get the better of us. Something happens that causes us to become angry and before we know it, we have lost control and are doing and saying things that we would never do and say if we were thinking clearly. Thankfully, the Bible makes it clear that there is a better way and provides us with five key truths to teach us how to respond to the situations of life with self-control rather than reacting in anger.

Six Things to Remember when Communicating

Why do some people respond to situations while others react? when a person responds, he takes into consideration the desired outcome—he thinks first. No thought is given to the outcome when a person is reacting. Reacting is emotional—responding is emotional intelligence. If we want our lives to be characterized by emotional intelligence, then there are six things that we must consider every time we communicate with others.

Six Virtues of a Woman

Continuing on in our sermon series “it’s complicated – Navigating Life’s Relationships”, this week we are diving into Proverbs 31:10-31, Six Virtues of a Woman. There is no relationship more important to growth in the home and intimacy, than that with a mother and a wife. There are two sides to this coin, the importance on how we treat and value them, as well as, a wife and a mother treats others and values herself. “…But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Six Essentials for Healthy Relationships

So for the next ten weeks, we’re going to be focusing on what it looks like to build successful relationships and what skills are needed to build them. Asking: Where do I struggle relationally? What attitudes do I need to change? How can I be more patient with those people who annoy me? What things do I do that annoy those around me? Essentially… how can I be a better_________? For God’s answers to these questions, we’re going to look to some ancient wisdom in the Proverbs.

Is it KIND?

“People hear your words of truth, but the feel your words of kindness… I am defining kindness as being a loving and respectful person” (Before You Hit Send page 63). Our first concern in communicating with others is to be truthful; but when you communicate truth without love and respect, you are not communicating at all because people will not listen to someone who is disrespectful and rude. In this message, we will look at several motivations for communicating with kindness.