Sermons on Promises

Promise of God’s sacrifice

As we continue our journey through God’s One Big Story of Scripture, we come to a story that for some people is impossible to understand what God was thinking. Our focus will be the story of Abraham and his son, Isaac, and the promises that God made to them. In Genesis 15:6, the Bible says that “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.” There is no doubt that the Bible teaches salvation as a free gift of God received from Him by faith alone—not by deeds we have done. This is a story about Abraham’s faith for sure, but it is even more so a story about the faithfulness of God.

REMEMBERING: Celebrating God’s Work in Us

One thing that I really love to do is to get together with old friends and reminisce about all the crazy stuff that we used to do. Remembering the good things in life is a healthy thing, so long as we don’t live in the past. God encouraged His people to remember—remember the Passover, the Law, entering the Promised Land. He wants us to remember the great, spiritual moments of our lives as well, for when we remember God’s goodness to us in the past we will have hope for God’s goodness in the present! Remember!