Sermons on Faith (Page 3)


When you place your trust in Jesus Christ—His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave—there is no need to fear death!
It does not matter what I’ve done… Jesus died in my place to pay for my sins—I must simply trust in Him!
We can face life with confidence, because “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

The Fiery Furnace

I asked you to make a commitment to stand for God… to spend time in His Word every day… to live a life of excellence in every way! And the key to this challenge is that I have to make up my mind to live by God’s standards before I find myself in a difficult situation. If I am not resolved in my heart, I will not honor God with my decisions. So let’s get real for just a minute… what does this look like in your life?