"history" Tagged Sermons

Is the Bible historically legitimate?

Can a person actually trust the Bible? In the face of this question, most scholars—both secular and Christian—after having looked at the historical and literary evidence, agree that the Gospels, along with the rest of the New Testament, are “the best-attested documents in antiquity.” But many people in our society today think that it is ludicrous for a modern, educated person to consider the Bible legitimate. In this message, we will explore the historicity of these ancient documents to consider just how legitimate it is to trust the Bible.

Is there any historical evidence that Jesus even existed?

There have been many so-called “Scholars” who have set out to disprove the existence of the historical God/man named Jesus. But as renowned Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Miami said, “We have more and better historical documentation for Jesus than for any other religious founder (e.g. Zoroaster, Buddha or Muhammad).” Edwin Yamauchi