The Beauty of Change

night-music-band-microphonePastor Dan commented a couple of weeks ago that he loved how the songwriters of today incorporate some of the lyrics of the old hymns into their music. I was driving to town one day and every song during my 20-minute ride was a retake on an old hymn. Instead of believing only their words were amazing, these writers have taken the best of the past and put it with the sounds many people like today.

If only every one of us could have this attitude about serving the Lord. Some people despise the old hymns because they consider them old fashioned instead of listening to the words of these mighty Christians. Some despise choruses and contemporary songs because they grew up listening to the old hymns and only want to hear the music and rhythm from their past. In actuality, there is a place for both, and sometimes they can work mightily together.

In our church, we sing it all. Still, there is a resistance to change. Why are we so afraid to try new ways of doing things? After all, every day we must change spiritually to become more like Christ. I have heard it said that the message of Christ never changes, but the methods to reach people does.

What if the Holy Spirit is guiding our pastors to reach people in a new way, but because it is different, we resist and refuse to be a part of the process? For example, I am not particularly comfortable with the idea
of small group Bible study, but I know it is because I have never been a part of one. If our church ever small_groupattempts to go in that direction, I will take a deep breath and suck up my fear and join in. Why? First, because the Bible doesn’t say there is anything evil about studying the Bible in small groups, and last, because I don’t want to get in the way of how God has told our pastors to lead this church. I want to support my leadership even when it challenges my comfort zone.

Mary and Joseph had a perfect Son named Jesus, yet they had to change and grow because they were raising the Son of God. In Luke 2 when Jesus asked his parents why they had been looking for him, and they had been worried sick because he had been missing for three days, as a parent it sounds to me like Jesus was being disrespectful. Since Jesus never sinned, He must have been simply helping them understand his actions. And Mary had to ponder on his words. No doubt she was constantly learning from this God child.

beachs-man-girlsSometimes new ways and ideas make little sense to some of us, too. Still, as long as our leaders do not contradict the Bible, I plan on letting go of my comfort zone and letting them do their jobs the way the Holy Spirit is guiding them. I will enjoy the old hymns, the choruses, the special songs, and the music that encompasses all three. And I will praise God through it all as we serve together at Temple Baptist Church.