Loving the Brokenness


L1070770Timber has been used for thousands of years in construction, burning and warfare. Scraps from these processes have been created and then disregarded into a pile of non-useable wood. The pile lay there to decompose or to be burned.

These scraps come in all shapes, sizes and color variations. It is truly creativity and vision to see a piece of scrap wood as precious item willing to be placed into service. I often see the piles of scarps or well used furniture as a item that needs some tender loving care. These piles of scraps need someone to come along with the ability to dream of a plan for these disregarded straps. As I pick up a piece of wood, I study the length, shape, flaws and color to discover the best use or method for revitalizing each piece of wood.

IMG_2368IMG_2369I have recently revitalized 3 old worn park benches. They looked weather beaten, rusty and leaning but I looked and seen comfort, smoothness, color, fellowship and laughter. I had a vision t transform a rickety bench into a steady and trusted place for fellowship. After much sanding, scrubbing, repair of cracks, staining, painting and reassembly the end result was much more beautiful than I expected. I then placed them back into service and ready for the design purpose.

Jesus approaches you and me in the same loving manner. Our Lord takes us as he finds us in our battles and burdens and chooses to view us with a vision of transformation. Jesus studies and observes our weaknesses, strengths, emotions, and history has hope and plan for your future. He studies the cracks were sin as penetrated and twisted us. He notices the cars left behind by bitter circumstances or hard choices. Our Savior’s discerning gaze lots bare every secret.

t1Jesus envisions what we might have been and the harvest we might lead to God’s glory. No doubt the carpenter grieves at how short we have fallen from reaching the glory God desires to reveal in us. If He didn’t love us so much Jesus might well toss us aside in hopelessness and disgust, looking for other wood to better suit his purposes. But he DOES LOVE US. He loves us as a good carpenter loves wood. He will not toss our lives to the scrap pile.

Praise the Lord we are loved! Help us Lord to see the value and significance of others through the eyes and vision of Jesus.