Guided by God

Have you had an exciting adventure beginning as we walk in step with Jesus? I often picture Jesus ahead of me with a staff in His hand, clothed in a flowing white garment moving in breeze walking in sand. The sand imprints Jesus’ footprints so that I can follow and not get distracted. Lord lead me and I will follow the song goes.

Sometimes I do get distracted but this one evening God would not let His desire get passed up or overlooked. It was the Lord’s supper at church that evening at church. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience that members of the church, through partaking of bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming. Tim and I sat in the pew with Anabelle in the middle of us as we listened to the message that evening. God impressed upon me to ask Anabelle why she did not get to partake in the Lord’s supper that evening.

Distractions are one of satan’s tools. On the way home Tim and I was having a “argudiscussions” about something to which I cannot remember only days later. It was an attempt by satan to get me mad and disregard the task that God had at hand. God is good all the time and reminded me on my task after we got home.

I asked Anabelle if she understood what the Lord’s Supper is and why she did not get to partake in the Lord’s Supper that evening. She said no so I took her in the living room and Tim and I sat down to help her understand. I thought that she would remember when Jesus was fellowshiping with the disciples and had the last supper so I asked her about that story first. She said yes and we talked about breaking the bread and passing of the cup and what they represented to us.

What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper?

1. The bread reminds us of Jesus’ body. “… the Lord Jesus … took bread … and said, ‘This is My body which is broken for you’” (1 Corinthians 11:23-24).

2. The juice reminds us of Jesus’ blood. “… He took the cup … saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood …’” (1 Corinthians 11:25).

We then needed to followup with what it means to trust Jesus Christ as Savior (see the Good News for the details). We went through the following topic outline:

The ABC plan of salvation (for admit, believe, confess):

A is ADMIT you’re a sinner, that you need Christ as your savior, and that all those who call on the Lord Jesus and obey Him will be saved. You can’t be saved without Him, nor add to or take from what Christ has done for you (Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23).

B is BELIEVE the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. You can know He is Who He says He is by the hundreds of prophecies that came true in His Life. Many things foretold hundreds of years before His birth came true in His lifetime, and others He Himself made came true later (Romans 10:9, 10:10).

C is CONFESS to the Lord and admit to yourself that you have responsibilities and that you have commitments as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. The more you know about the Lord Jesus Christ, the more you’ll want to tell other people about Him (Romans 10:13, 11:36, John 1:1).

She understood that she is a sinner and only God can cleanse the sin from her life. She said that she had already prayed to God and asked Him to forgive her of all of her sins, and come into her life and change her. Tears flowed from her eyes and we asked her if she wanted to be baptized? “Yes, can PaPaw (Tim’s Dad who a pastor) do the baptism?” she asked. “Let’s call and find out,” Tim and I said. January 15, 2017 will be a day I remember for the rest of my life and I wish I could have heard the angels rejoicing in heaven as Anabelle trusted Jesus as her Savior.

When you feel guided by the Lord, take the steps that He has asked. As the song goes… Lead me lord and I will follow. If God tells you to take a step of faith but you hesitate to take it until he shows you what the second step will be, you’re not waiting on God. He’s waiting on you. What has God called you to do?

John 16:13

13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

Anabelle’s Baptism performed by Pastor Ronnie Dabney (Anabelle’s Grandfather)