An Unplanned Adventure…

A week ago, my son left the country.  He will be back soon, but it has been one crazy ride.  He flew out with an EF tour group from Tulsa headed to Italy, but got stuck in London.  For many of us, we would have immediately gotten upset.  Our trip wasn’t going as we had planned.  We might be focused on all that we were going to miss by being delayed a couple of days.  That isn’t how my son responded.  He jumped at the idea of having another country to explore.  He was getting a Bonus country for his Spring Break.

Riley in London
Riley taking in the sights of London.

Many of us don’t get that excited when we are faced with change.  We have our plan and want to stick to it.  The problem is that when we become locked into our plan we may miss out on something great that God is orchestrating.  The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that…

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” (HCSB)  

God is the author and composer of our lives.  He gives us the ability to make choices and even plan, but when those things don’t line up according to our will, we must look to see what God has in store for us.  It may be an unplanned opportunity, ministry, or even trip.  God works those things out for His glory.  Our responsibility lies in how we respond to those changes.

Over the years, I have planned out many things for my life and ministry.  I remember setting a 10-year-plan when I was back in college.  Did those things come true?  Some of them did.  Some of them didn’t.  I trust that God allowed those things that were right for my life to come to pass.  The other stuff… It wasn’t God’s best for me or my family.  My wife’s favorite verse tells me a simple truth… God’s plans are best!

“For I know the plans I have for you”–this is the LORD’s declaration–“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (HCSB)

While I may not always understand what God is doing, God always knows.  And, who knows?  I may even find myself on an unplanned adventure.

Apparently, Riley made it to Italy just in time. There was this leaning tower that needed some help.