A Warm Hug…

Let us not LOVE with words or speech but with ACTIONS and in TRUTH.AR-140839999.jpg&maxH=675&ExactW=1200&AlignV=Top&AlignH=Center

1 John 3:18

“I saw you hug someone”, she said. The ‘she’ is a precious lady name Helen at the nursing home where my dad lives. She rarely smiles and always seems sad and withdrawn. I leaned toward her and said, “Do you need a hug?” She nodded with tears in her eyes. I hugged her and boy did she ever hug me back! Now we both look forward to our hugs and I occasionally even see a smile and twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes.

We should love and serve people so that it points them to Jesus when they ask why we care.

iStock_000006728966XSmallI was watching my friend Margaret admiring another resident’s ‘baby.’ She seemed so taken with the stuffed toy so I asked her, “Margaret would you like to have a baby?” Without missing a beat, she whirled toward me with eyes as big as saucers and said, “Well, not a real one.” When I laughed, she did too! Such a sweet spirited lady and a has a great sense of humor. She always tells me to come back! Once she wanted me to call someone for her and I said, “I would be glad to.” “Do you know the number?” I asked. Again I got a big eyed look and she said, “No.” I said, “I don’t either” and we had another good laugh!

Like everyone else today I am always busy and stretched for time and truthfully always in a hurry to be on my way. I try to remember that the nursing home days are long and to slow down just for a few minutes to give them my attention. They are just like you and me, they want and need to be loved and noticed. These ladies are so precious to me and I am so blessed that God put them in my life.

Then there is Edith and she has a different story. Her only limitations are physical. She wants to be and is a blessing to me. She searches my face to see what kind of day I am having. She reaches out to hug and comfort me. What a comfort she was to me when I lost my Mom.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:8young-man-elderly-woman-visiting-1080937-print

I am so grateful to my wonderful grandmother. She taught me about love and Jesus. She taught me to love others unconditionally. She
taught me to always look for the good in people: I learned these words for her from the time I was old enough to hear her words until the day she took her last breathe. I love you Grandma!

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 

Romans 12:9-10

One Comment

  1. Dear Brenda,
    I read your blog, it just reflect your big heart and your love for Jesus. Thank you for sharing.

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