"Persecution" Tagged Sermons

The Frailty of Life

As difficulties arise each day, how are you dealing with them? Are you becoming overwhelmed by the stress and anxiety of contracting Covid-19? Has the racial tension across our great country caused uneasiness in you? Has isolation from interacting with people caused you to become despondent or depressed? Everyone is dealing with these things at least at some level. How are you doing? This morning, we’re going to divert from our study in 1 John to spend a few moments thinking about the frailty of life and how we are to respond to it. We’ll be looking today at the fourth chapter of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian church as we consider a biblical response to the difficulties of our time.

Experiencing True Repentance and Its Effect

Paul and the believers in Ephesus were experiencing true repentance and its effects. True repentance always has an effect—on both the life of the one repenting and to all those around that one. This morning, we hope to examine some of these effects of repentance with the goal of challenging ourselves to experience true repentance…

The Rejuvenation of God’s Messenger

As we come to the end of Paul’s Second Missionary Journey, we realize that Paul arrived in Corinth physically and emotionally spent—burned out—and he was in desperate need of rejuvenation. That is exactly what he received when he arrived in Corinth. In this study, we will spend some time examining all the ways that Paul received encouragement and instruction during this difficult time and try to apply some of these same principles to our lives as well.

Emmulate: Remaining Faithful to God

When writing to the church at Corinth, Paul said, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Was Paul a perfect example of Christ? Was Paul able to surpass the example of Jesus in the marathon that his life became? No! But we can say without hesitation that Paul was one of—if not the greatest champion of the faith. Again, he is simply saying, “Do whatever I do, as I attempt to emulate Jesus!” In this passage in 2 Timothy 3, Paul is asking Timothy to remember the way he had lived his life before him and emulate his example.

The Demonstration of the Gospel’s Power

We cannot forget that there is immeasurable power behind the message of the Gospel! The same power that was at work in Philippi is the same power that is at work in and through us. There is power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must be careful not to box God in by our cynicism and lack of faith. Our faith in God rests in the power of the gospel—“for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, ‘the righteous shall live by faith’” (Romans 1:17).