Making Time for a Rainbow

Usually I turn in my blog before Roxanna asks for it, but this time God had revealed nothing to me worthy of writing as the deadline approached. I had been too busy to listen to God lately.

townzensLife is busy and messy and altogether time consuming. Lonnie and I both began new jobs, I was ill, and we had long-term house guests. There was little time to think. I could almost see God shaking his head at me because in all my busyness, I had neglected Him.

When we accept Jesus as Savior and Lord of our lives, there is no rest unless it is found in Him. Matthew 11:28 says “Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (KJV) When we get overtired, it doesn’t just affect our body—it messes with our mind and our spiritual health as well.

I went to church last night out of obligation rather than a desire to be there. There were many projects I needed to finish. I was too weary to think and definitely too tired to pray, so of course Dan’s lesson was on prayer. It was a fantastic lesson. and as I left church, a beautiful full rainbow filled the sky. Everyone was smiling and taking pictures in the parking lot. God gives us joy and peace through His creation. He forces us to decide whether to take the time to stop and admire His work or to make busyness our god for a while.

doublerainbowI was still praying and reading my Bible, but I was hurrying through it all to find time to get everything done. My heart was not on worship. God had temporarily become second-best in my life. James 4:8 tells us “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” (NIV) When we spend undivided time with God and put Him first, we get more done anyway. This is a lesson we learn over and over. It is a tough lesson to master.

My life is still messy and crazy and busy, but I will begin to put God first again. As a long-time Christian, I know I need that to experience God’s peace. And so I have learned…until the next time I mess up. The beauty of it is that God knows me, flaws and all, yet loves me anyway.
